6 Common Internet Marketing Mistakes

Whether your website sells limited edition plush toys or answers the question “how do I invest in oil,” how you approach Internet marketing determines your site’s success or failure.
Here are some common mistakes marketers make when setting up a website.
Choosing the Wrong Website Provider
The very simplicity of website tools fools some people into thinking a professional web designer is unnecessary. After all, with today’s tools a five-year-old can design and upload a website. People often forget that easy-to-use tools don’t necessarily translate into professional-looking products: both children and professional artists use paint, for instance, with wildly different results.
A good website requires a professional web designer with experience in your industry. Look for designers who produced work for websites in your field. Does the web designer understand the oil industry? Does he have experience designing for plush collectible stores? Experience and skillful designs in one field may not translate well to other fields.
In the multi-faceted world of Internet marketing, you want more than simple web design. A professional designer should help you through the process of developing and launching your site, while also providing marketing advice and social media support.
Website Errors
How often have broken links, typos and grammatical errors soured your opinion of a website? Before your website goes live, your content needs a careful edit. Incorrect or broken links frustrate site visitors and count against you in search engine algorithms. Check all content for typos. If, like many people, you have difficulty proofing your own writing, online editors are readily available.
Duplicate Content
Many websites duplicate content from other sites, seeking a quick and easy way to generate content. Search engines and visitors alike hate duplicate content. Search engines see duplicate content as a sign of possible plagiarism, which damages your site’s search results. Visitors find duplicate content a waste of time. Fresh, original content is key to Internet marketing success.
Keyword-less Content
Let’s rephrase that last statement slightly. Original content with relevant keywords is the key to a website’s success. You can produce amazing content filled with helpful information, but it won’t do you any good unless you incorporate the keywords people enter into search engines.
At the other extreme, don’t stuff your content with excessive keywords. Search engines have spent the last few decades learning to spot keyword-stuffing, and they penalize sites with over-abundant keywords.
Not Staying Current
Online marketing is in constant flux. An updated search engine algorithm can radically alter your web traffic. New social media, new devices and new methods of communication can change the face of Internet marketing overnight. Launching a website isn’t enough for success: your Internet marketing strategy needs to evolve over time and adapt to new influences. Regular updates, blogs and social media campaigns help keep your website interesting to both search engines and visitors.
A Lack of Contact Information
Many businesses seem to go out of their way to hide their contact information in the depths of their websites. Customers don’t want to hunt for this information, and won’t waste their time looking for it.
In fact, site visitors find a lack of contact information rather suspicious, as if the business has some reason to hide their location. Your contact information should be clearly available on your website, including email, phone number and mailing address.

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