Salesworthy SEO: Get Your Leads to Convert to Sales

The main motivating factor behind search engine optimization is the fact that more leads will be generated. When those leads are generated – and let’s hope there are a lot of them – it is up to you to be able to convert them into sales. Some of these are done without much effort; others will take quite a time investment. In fact, 70% of all sales are made the fifth contact or later. Let’s take a look at the types of salesworthy leads that will convert to sales:
1. Multiple Contacts
As previously stated, 70% of all sales are made the fifth contact or later. This means that most consumers to do not buy the product or service the first time they see it. It will take multiple contacts by the business or advertisement to make a sale to the person. The more that these these contacts are made, the higher the chance that the lead will be converted into a sale.
2. Quick Responses
According to a Leads360 analysis, speed is the single most crucial component in lead conversion. Leads360 surveyed 25 million data points in their study. To look at a breakdown of things, conversion rates are:

  • 391% higher when the lead is called with a minute of inquiry
  • 120% higher when called within a couple minutes
  • 98% higher within three minutes
  • 62% higher under thirty minutes
  • 36% higher under an hour.

As the consumer continues to research the different prices of competitors, they will still have the company that called them first in the back of their mind. Whoever that is has a great advantage over the others.
3. Salespeople That Help
Say you are researching how to get rid of groundhogs and you think it a good idea to ask someone in the field for their help. You come across a few different scenarios.

  • The person you ask is set on selling you groundhog traps.
  • The person you ask doesn’t care what you already know, and just keeps hounding you with information you have.
  • The person asks what you know and what you want to know.

I think it is pretty clear to whom you will go next time. This example shows that being helpful can result in a sale in the long run. Pitching a sale does nothing if the consumer does not have a pleasant experience in the store.
Consumers are getting more and more knowledgeable about how to pick the right product for themselves and are doing more research to match that. With your optimization in full force, follow these tips to convert those leads into sale! If you have any more tips, leave them in the comments below.

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