Investing in PPC and how to get Business from it

From a toddler to a professional everyone today swears by Google. Google has the answer for anything under the sun. You have a question and you ask your boss, the quick reply that you will most often get is “Google it”. Doesn’t this thought often strike you what would our lives be if Google did not exist? But there is no need to have such fears because Google is here to stay and solve our everyday problems like always. Now that everybody claims to know about Google a hell lot, let me ask you whether you have noticed the table of ads that comes on the top left corner of a Google search result page? If no, then you must stop reading this article now and go check the table that shows up on the search result pages. If you are well aware of this table then let me tell you that those are the ads that companies publish in Google by paying a certain amount of money and the list of ads are known as Pay Per Click (PPC). That is how Google earns its money and trust me Google fills its kitty with millions of dollars.
PPC Campaign
How the name comes PPC?
The list of ads that come is usually based on the keywords that a user types on the Google search page. The key keywords are used and the ads based on those keywords pop up on your search page. If a user is intrigued by your ad because of the punchline that you provide to grab their eyeballs and they click on your site, you are required to pay a certain amount of money to Google. The tricky part is whether you get any sales from the user who clicks on your site through the ads is immaterial, the moment a user clicks on your ad you pay. So basically you pay to Google for every click a user makes to enter your site via the ad. As per the marketing strategy, such a scenario might take place where a user clicks to enter your website and just glance through it without generating sales and clicks the back button but you still need to pay a certain amount of money to Google, that implies a loss but nonetheless many entrepreneurs take the risk to put up their ads on Google.
Strategy and lots of it
We all know that PPC is definitely a very powerful tool and people feel that the easiest way of promotion would be by posting ads on Google. But let’s not forget that posting ads require a strong financial set-up so focus should be on building a strategy before the ad goes live. So let’s focus on the key strategy points:

  • Assessing the strengths and weaknesses of your company is important. So while designing the ad campaign, focus on your strengths and camouflage your weaknesses.
  • If you are game for short-term promotions then you must go in for PPC because it is one of the most flexible tools around where you can also customize even the start and stop dates.
  • The ads need a design keeping in mind the target groups. The ad designs drive in most traffic from the target groups so the punchline should be able to tap their interests. The title should be able to ‘hook’ your target customers so make sure to spice up your title.
  • A careful keyword research is a must so that your ad is able to shoot up right on top and be a clear winner in the rat race of finding the best spot among all the Google ads. Thanks to web analytics, finding out keywords that drive in maximum traffic is no more a big deal. So design campaigns that target the maximum keywords at one hit.
  • Many companies in their ads flash large discounts on products and services to lure customers. The users tempted with such offers click on these ads only to realize that the discounts promised in the ad is not for real. Thus in no time users click the back button and the conversion rate falls low to generate sales and bringing in revenue does not take place as per the business strategies. So care must be taken that entrepreneurs stick to their words, if a discount is guaranteed to lure in customers then it must be given to get an all time high business.

Pay Per Click has now become phenomenal because it is one of the easiest ways of promoting your business and get in the revenue. If you still haven’t created one for your company buck up and join the rat race!

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